Each machine is probably going to be $5k each, possibly $4k with bulk discounts. We'll use awesome miner for profitability switching on the fly. We'll have AMD rigs for monero and Nvidia rigs for Ethereum and others. Me: So we're gonna set up several rigs, utilizing a b250 motherboard, g4400 CPU, 8GB of RAM and 10 GPUs each. You get 20% of the coins mined for as long as you manage it. Owner: We have $80k in our pocket in investments from outside parties, with another $20-30k on the way. Me: Just because I know a bit about mining doesn't make me an expert. Owner: To set up cryptocurency mining rigs. Owner: I bought you a plane ticket to fly to Puerto Rico. Owner of the company I freelance for: Hey I forgot to tell you something.